Katie & Jonny had originally booked me for their wedding in July 2020 but COVID-19 happened out of nowhere and they ended up rescheduling for this May. And even though they had to wait a little longer it was honestly perfect!
We had an amazing wedding last weekend- I have sooooo many good photos I could barely narrow them down for this blog.

Here's a wedding tip- Most people know about the first look where the bride and groom see each other for the first time in an intimate setting.... But, when you do it with your bestfriends its a super cute photo too (:

Katie- you looked stunning!!

Jonny- you looked stunning as well! Que "Play with your tie" hahah!

Getting the grooms reaction is one of my favorite things!

After 11 years it is FINALLY official! Woo!

First dance! Ahhhhh the lighting at Greystone Fields is to DIE FOR!

"Cheers!" I love how their wedding day sign is right behind them in this!

Isn't their cake stunning?! It was from Oakmont Bakery and if you have never had their cakes they are amazing and I highly recommend!

The flowers were in full bloom-I had to get all the colors!

And of course the waterfall photo!

Here are some familiar faces! I shot Robbie and Elizabeth's wedding way back in the beginning of my wedding career!

Its almost a guarantee that when a couple has been together for a long time and family and friends are finally able to celebrate their wedding that the reception is going to be a blast! Even Emily's baby belly was having a great time!

At this time of the night- there was a kick line happening and no one was kicking together! So she jumped right in front and was screaming "Left! Right! Left! Right!..." while also kicking herself! It was hilarious! She did do a great job- at one point I thought I was attending a Rockette's Show lol!

In between the dancing we were able to run outside really quick for the sunset and night shots!

This may be my new favorite night shot I have ever taken!

At the very end of the night on the last song Jonny picked up Katie and swung her around in circles. Everyone in the room was screaming and clapping! It was absolutely perfect- I'd say that's the perfect ending to a perfect day!

Katie & Jonny, thank you for asking me to be a part of your wedding day! I was so great working with you two over the last 1 1/2 years. If you ever need a photographer for any milestones in your life I would LOVE to be "your photographer"
I cannot wait for you to see the rest!