Brittany & Jack Ceremony and Reception at Greystone Fields
In the last blog post we left off with everyone on their way to the beautiful Greystone Fields located in Gibsonia Pa where Brittany and Jack's Ceremony and Reception will be held. If you missed the first one click----> HERE to catch up (: Or if you want to go back to the beginning of the year when we did their engagement session at Phipps Conservatory you can click ----> HERE to view it (:
Now lets start will the details from the ceremony!

Brittany got all of her beautiful wedding flowers from Bloom Brigade and they were gorgeous! So colorful and bright! And just like that it was time to walk down the isle!

I just love the way they look at each other! They were both nothing but smiles the whole time <3

A couple of their friends told stories about their past but my favorite was the story about the Taco Bell sauce packets...Yes you read that right. ha-ha!
In the first blog of their wedding day I included it on how they met each other. But, just in case you didn't read it, it said, " I totally put the moves on him and flirted by giving him random little sauce packets (jack snickers and says... you heard her right "sauce" packets, that's what the kids are calling it these days) from Taco Bell throughout the week that had quotes written on it such as, "why say no when you can say yes?" , "If you never do, you'll never know" , "You have chosen wisely..."
Well their officiant, Mr. Muray, knew about this and actually brought some sauce packets and read them to the crowd! Everyone was laughing with them! I think that was an incredibly crafty way to get your crush to pay attention to you... I mean, who doesn't love tacos?!
And a little after that it was official! Congratulations Mr and Mrs Adams!

I think Jack may have been a liiiiiiittle excited! ha-ha! (:

Jack and his groomsmen were a fun bunch!

And Brittany's Bridesmaids were sooooo gorgeous!

Couldn't forget the fun photos!

Greystone Fields had so many places to take photos... I literally could have ran around there all day with them!


The rest of the night was pure celebration! There wasn't a moment when people weren't dancing all night! Brittany and Jack sure know how to throw a party!

They had glow sticks, sunglasses, blow up musical instruments! They literally had it all! But one of the highlights of the night...

Two of the groomsmen had a Michael Jackson DANCE OFF that was SO epic!

Brittany and Jack, I am soooooo happy that you choose us to be your wedding photographers!
You were such perfect clients I am so sad to see it is over now.
I hope your wedding was everything that you had hoped it would be and more!
Keep in touch!
Happily Ever Adams,
-Danielle <3