Sami and I go WAY back to high school days… Not going to mention how long ago that was…but, I was so happy when she reached out to schedule her engagement photos! It’s been a year with all the planning around barber shops being closed to the pandemic restrictions- I am so happy we could finally make it happen.
Fast forward to 2021 and we finally get a date for the session… Can you believe that this property, the walled garden, was in complete construction with neon orange construction fencing literally everywhere…. Whoever’s job that was really WENT for it ha-ha!
We joked about if we had known we could have coordinated clothing colors with the fencing! But because of it, walked all around and I found some new favorite areas because of it. I was making all the happy squealing sounds behind the camera because the way the photos turned out! I love to have challenges sometimes- that’s what makes this the best career ever! And you would never know it looked like that there <3

The day was perfect- It even turned out to be the most beautiful day that week with AMAZING golden hour light… I believe it with everything happening and being pushed to this date that it all happened for a reason…I believe it was meant to be!

Three things you each could not live without?
JJ - Sports, snacks, and kids Samantha - coffee, kids, and dogs

Can you tell me about the proposal?
JJ had this whole plan for it at Disney World but unfortunately COVID-19 ruined those plans. So at our daughter, Lillian’s, first birthday party JJ did it in front of all of our family.

Its a toss up between my favorite image... Its between the one above and below! I love the lens flare on the above image but the sun cast on the bottom one is SO pretty!!!

Describe each other using 3 words
JJ - funny, smart, competitive Sam - caring, sensitive, beautiful.

At this point in the session Sami said, "I am laughing so hard my lashes are falling off!!" I live for genuine smiles....THAT is how I know I am doing my job right! ha-ha!!

Sami & JJ... This session was so much fun! Thank you so much for choosing me- I am SOOO excited to shoot your wedding next year!